Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Weight: Today I weighed myself this morning before school and weighed 203.8 pounds. At my lowest when I first started running and losing weight, I was at 188. I need to get back in the swing of things for sure!

Meals: For breakfast, I ate some mini shredded wheat (about a cup), a grande coffee with half and half and 2 splenda, and a handful of almonds. At recess, a student gave me a cinnamon lollipop which I had to try of course (didn't want to break her heart...ironically it was heart shaped). For lunch I had one left over BBQ chicken taco from Hula Hut with a bit of rice and beans. It was Angie's b-day so I tried a third of a cupcake to make sure it was tasty, and it was! Thanks to Derek and Heather for eating the other pieces of it. I needed that sugar to carb load for my run. I had a handful of peanuts post run. I have been drinking lots and lots of water today! For dinner, I am planning on going to Randall's to either get a salad and some protein, or something...not too sure yet.

Workout: Today I walked to laps with my kiddos at recess time. Yesterday after school I was so spent from my trip to California, I took a two hour nap. Today I went to the trial and jogged for about an hour. It was an amazing day today and I am so lucky to live in Austin, Texas because of days like today. I walked the bridges today in order to soak up the sun and get the best song on for running. I am going to try to do some push-ups and sit-ups every night before bed too, so hope that goes well.

Feelings: Today was a pretty good day! I felt good running and I am a little sore, but plan to get back into the stretching routine later. My energy at school as consistent and I am glad I had my coffee to keep me going!

In 33 days, I'll be running 26.2 miles!

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