Monday, January 11, 2010

And so it begins

I have signed up for the Austin Marathon, which takes place on Valentine's Day, February 14th. I am a little over a month away and I am going to use this blog to keep me accountable for workouts and eating right. Up to this point, I have been running regularly, but not really the distances I need to be in order to feel confident about completing my marathon. Sure I am not planning on winning the race, so that pressure is not on me. My main goal is to finish the race and try to be near or better then my first marathon time. If works comes to worse, my apartment is on the route, so I can always stop, take a shower and hit the sack if need be!

On this blog I plan to log my workouts, meals, and give you a lowdown on how I am feeling as the race gets closer. I really got inspired about creating a blog thanks to Bobby Bones on mix 96.7. He said it's not about a new year's resolution. Rather it is about being accountable and not taking days off. So here it goes. In 34 days, I'll be running 26.2 miles.

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