Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Weight: Today when I weighed myself in the morning, I was 199.6. It is down from Tuesday, somehow, but that's awesome!

Meals: For breakfast today, I had some wheat thins, green tea, peanuts, and water. For a snack I ate 2 tangerines, drank a naked mango juice, had a handful of pistachios, and a cheese circle. Lunch time I had an artisan creation salad from Randall's and it was pretty dang good. I also made a wheat tortilla wrap with turkey meat. I was so good at lunch because a fellow teacher made a chocolate, chocolate cake...offered some to everyone, and I said no thanks! It was awesome. Dinner time I had a small portion of angel hair pasta with alfredo sauce, then went to yogurt spot and had a nonfat vanilla and chocolate yogurt topped with strawberries, mango, and kiwi. It is better then my usual peanut butter yogurt with fruity pebbles on top! Oh and yesterday I went to thundercloud and had a veggie delight on wheat for dinner! Tasty!

Workout: Today I was a little sore from my hour jog yesterday, but ran the 3 mile loop at town lake and it lasted about 30 minutes. Good company and ok weather. Supposed to be raining the next two days so I may need to do some cross training.

Feeling: I am glad that my weight went down a bit and I hope it wasn't just a scale error. I was surprised to be sore today, but I realized I hadn't run for a week since I was traveling. So I'll just keep on truckin!

In 32 days, I'll be running 26.2 miles!

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