Saturday, January 16, 2010


Weight: I am house sitting so I used a different scale and it said I weighed 198.7, so that's probably about right.

Meals: Today I had 2 eggs scrambled with cheese on them and a cup of coffee for breakfast. For lunch, I had a 12 bean soup, tortilla chips, and a tangerine. I feel like I ate something else, but I can't remember. For dinner, I joined a friend for a movie at the Alamo and was treated to a "Love at first bite" pizza which was topped with steak, garlic, and artichoke. It was tasty. I also had some hummus and two beers.

Workout: Today I went down to the trail and ran the 3 mile loop. It turned out to be a nice day outside once the rain cleared up. Tomorrow I plan to run 13 miles! Wish me luck!

In 29 days, I'll be running 26.2, for sure!

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