Thursday, January 14, 2010


Weight: Today I weighed 200.4 pounds.

Meals: For breakfast today, I ate some peanuts, a banana, some pistachios and some coffee. Snack time I had a clementine, some almonds, water, and a cheese circle thing. For lunch I had a wheat tortilla wrapped with turkey and salami, an apple, and another cheese wheel thing. I had a second cup of coffee given to me after school and a one chocolate truffle...dark chocolate so that's a little better. For dinner I had a fish taco, a half steak wrap, and a diet coke from Abel's on the Lake. I was hungry when dinner time rolled around.

Workout: Today was truly a rest day. I did not hit the trail and I felt I needed a rest today.

Feeling: I am feeling good about taking a day to rest and get out and about. It's always going to be about making good choices, living life to the fullest, and trying to be as happy as I can. Food cannot and will not make me happy. I will be the best I can and live the best life I can every day! I hope tomorrow doesn't rain too much so I can at least get 3 miles in. If not, Saturday I was planning on running at least 10 miles!

In 31 days, I'll be running 26.2 miles!

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