Monday, January 18, 2010

Sunday Long Run

Today I ran 9.5 miles and I was so glad I did! I felt really good during and was getting a little sore as I kept running, but made 9.5! I didn't eat too badly all day until I went to a former student's b-day party. I had 3 slices of pizza there and a slice of cookie cake. I love cookie cake and I can't refuse it, ever!

My weight after my run was 202, so I am thinking it is the muscle I built during the run. Ok not really. No more giving in to terrible food. I am so glad to have the day off but I need to make sure I eat healthy today!

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Weight: I am house sitting so I used a different scale and it said I weighed 198.7, so that's probably about right.

Meals: Today I had 2 eggs scrambled with cheese on them and a cup of coffee for breakfast. For lunch, I had a 12 bean soup, tortilla chips, and a tangerine. I feel like I ate something else, but I can't remember. For dinner, I joined a friend for a movie at the Alamo and was treated to a "Love at first bite" pizza which was topped with steak, garlic, and artichoke. It was tasty. I also had some hummus and two beers.

Workout: Today I went down to the trail and ran the 3 mile loop. It turned out to be a nice day outside once the rain cleared up. Tomorrow I plan to run 13 miles! Wish me luck!

In 29 days, I'll be running 26.2, for sure!

Happy Hour Friday

Friday was a happy hour bueno. I forgot to weigh myself, ate ok until happy hour. Two beers, too many chicken tenders, a fried pickle. And no workout due to non stop rain. Today is a new day!!!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Weight: Today I weighed 200.4 pounds.

Meals: For breakfast today, I ate some peanuts, a banana, some pistachios and some coffee. Snack time I had a clementine, some almonds, water, and a cheese circle thing. For lunch I had a wheat tortilla wrapped with turkey and salami, an apple, and another cheese wheel thing. I had a second cup of coffee given to me after school and a one chocolate truffle...dark chocolate so that's a little better. For dinner I had a fish taco, a half steak wrap, and a diet coke from Abel's on the Lake. I was hungry when dinner time rolled around.

Workout: Today was truly a rest day. I did not hit the trail and I felt I needed a rest today.

Feeling: I am feeling good about taking a day to rest and get out and about. It's always going to be about making good choices, living life to the fullest, and trying to be as happy as I can. Food cannot and will not make me happy. I will be the best I can and live the best life I can every day! I hope tomorrow doesn't rain too much so I can at least get 3 miles in. If not, Saturday I was planning on running at least 10 miles!

In 31 days, I'll be running 26.2 miles!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Weight: Today when I weighed myself in the morning, I was 199.6. It is down from Tuesday, somehow, but that's awesome!

Meals: For breakfast today, I had some wheat thins, green tea, peanuts, and water. For a snack I ate 2 tangerines, drank a naked mango juice, had a handful of pistachios, and a cheese circle. Lunch time I had an artisan creation salad from Randall's and it was pretty dang good. I also made a wheat tortilla wrap with turkey meat. I was so good at lunch because a fellow teacher made a chocolate, chocolate cake...offered some to everyone, and I said no thanks! It was awesome. Dinner time I had a small portion of angel hair pasta with alfredo sauce, then went to yogurt spot and had a nonfat vanilla and chocolate yogurt topped with strawberries, mango, and kiwi. It is better then my usual peanut butter yogurt with fruity pebbles on top! Oh and yesterday I went to thundercloud and had a veggie delight on wheat for dinner! Tasty!

Workout: Today I was a little sore from my hour jog yesterday, but ran the 3 mile loop at town lake and it lasted about 30 minutes. Good company and ok weather. Supposed to be raining the next two days so I may need to do some cross training.

Feeling: I am glad that my weight went down a bit and I hope it wasn't just a scale error. I was surprised to be sore today, but I realized I hadn't run for a week since I was traveling. So I'll just keep on truckin!

In 32 days, I'll be running 26.2 miles!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Weight: Today I weighed myself this morning before school and weighed 203.8 pounds. At my lowest when I first started running and losing weight, I was at 188. I need to get back in the swing of things for sure!

Meals: For breakfast, I ate some mini shredded wheat (about a cup), a grande coffee with half and half and 2 splenda, and a handful of almonds. At recess, a student gave me a cinnamon lollipop which I had to try of course (didn't want to break her heart...ironically it was heart shaped). For lunch I had one left over BBQ chicken taco from Hula Hut with a bit of rice and beans. It was Angie's b-day so I tried a third of a cupcake to make sure it was tasty, and it was! Thanks to Derek and Heather for eating the other pieces of it. I needed that sugar to carb load for my run. I had a handful of peanuts post run. I have been drinking lots and lots of water today! For dinner, I am planning on going to Randall's to either get a salad and some protein, or something...not too sure yet.

Workout: Today I walked to laps with my kiddos at recess time. Yesterday after school I was so spent from my trip to California, I took a two hour nap. Today I went to the trial and jogged for about an hour. It was an amazing day today and I am so lucky to live in Austin, Texas because of days like today. I walked the bridges today in order to soak up the sun and get the best song on for running. I am going to try to do some push-ups and sit-ups every night before bed too, so hope that goes well.

Feelings: Today was a pretty good day! I felt good running and I am a little sore, but plan to get back into the stretching routine later. My energy at school as consistent and I am glad I had my coffee to keep me going!

In 33 days, I'll be running 26.2 miles!

Monday, January 11, 2010

And so it begins

I have signed up for the Austin Marathon, which takes place on Valentine's Day, February 14th. I am a little over a month away and I am going to use this blog to keep me accountable for workouts and eating right. Up to this point, I have been running regularly, but not really the distances I need to be in order to feel confident about completing my marathon. Sure I am not planning on winning the race, so that pressure is not on me. My main goal is to finish the race and try to be near or better then my first marathon time. If works comes to worse, my apartment is on the route, so I can always stop, take a shower and hit the sack if need be!

On this blog I plan to log my workouts, meals, and give you a lowdown on how I am feeling as the race gets closer. I really got inspired about creating a blog thanks to Bobby Bones on mix 96.7. He said it's not about a new year's resolution. Rather it is about being accountable and not taking days off. So here it goes. In 34 days, I'll be running 26.2 miles.